Chuck's Toronto Film & Video Directory

(731 companies listed as of Jan 26 2023)

Film Production in TORONTO

Accent Entertainment Corporation
Accent Entertainment produces original, artist-driven content. Working closely with Canadian and international talent, Accent is writer and director focused, and has an eclectic and diverse slate of projects in TV, film and digital.
Breakthrough Entertainment Inc.
Breakthrough Entertainment Inc. is an award-winning producer and distributor of premium content for worldwide audiences. The operations of the studio include the development and distribution of feature films and television series.
Caruso Films
Caruso Films has been delivering results since we opened in 1990. Our goal is to provide both a superior customer experience and tremendous value for our customers. Frank Caruso has over 46 years of experience in the Film and entertainment industries.
Emmerson Denney Films
Emmerson Denney Films is a production company located in Toronto, Vancouver, Halifax and Los Angeles.
Gabor Group
Get Reel.
Intercom Films Limited
Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto
The Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto (LIFT) is an artist-run cultural and educational media arts organization dedicated to celebrating excellence in the moving image. LIFT is supported by its membership, Canada Council for the Arts (Media Arts Section), Ontario Arts Council, Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Government of Ontario and the City of Toronto through the Toronto Arts Council.
Video Creative
Video Producer + Editor + Photographer

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